Pasta Navarin Navarin Navarin is a French ragoût of lamb or mutton and vegetables. Poach Poach To cook in gently simmering water or stock. Normally fish, eggs or fruit Parboil Parboil To boil food only slightly, often used to soften foods like potatoes before roasting them. Helps to speed up Pan-Fry Pan-Fry Pan Fry Pan-frying differs from Sauteing, in that, pan-frying is a form of frying food using a minimal amount Pancetta Pancetta Italian bacon from the belly of a pig, that is cured with salt and spices, it is unsmoked. Used Quatre-epices Quatre-epices Quatre épices is French for "four spices"; it is considered the French allspice. The spice mix contains ground pepper (white, Purée Purée To Purée cooked food, usually, vegetables is to mash or blend the food to form a paste-like consistency. Creamy Coleslaw Recipe Homemade Scotch Eggs Recipe Orzo Orzo Literal meaning "Barley", Orzo is an Italian rice-shaped pasta, can be used in soups, or as a side dish. « Previous 1 … 33 34 35 36 37 … 54 Next »